May 21 2024
non-technical technical self-development

Comfort breeds stagnation

This post describes my own quote, which I think is really well thought out and can help other people overcome their problems.


The meaning of comfort and stagnation 🔗︎

I think comfort is when you’ve achieved something and you’re enjoying the state you’re currently in. I think comfort can be enjoyed for a certain amount of time before it becomes a norm for you, which can lead to stagnation. Stagnation is when you don’t have any meaningful power to strive higher.

Examples from my life 🔗︎

First of all, I’m a young person starting my 20s, but even at this point, I can see how this has been true in many places in my life.

For most of my life, I had a few pounds too much and my weight weighted me down (pun intended). So I did nothing and just kept getting bigger. Finally thanks to my brother, I started eating healthy and started jogging. Now I really enjoy it and live a pretty healthy lifestyle.

After learning English I wanted to learn Spanish, but of course I was too lazy to actually learn it. Then I bought a book for it and started learning it, now I speak and write Spanish quite well (not a native level, but I can hold a conversation).

A few years ago I wanted to learn programming, but I didn’t know how. It was a time in my life when I was playing video games all day and enjoing my adolescent life, but didn’t have the willpower to actually try anything, because everything was done - the programs were written and my Windows system was feature complete. But my desire for programming was greater than other desires and eventually, after many months (and years!), I achieved this (ambiguous, I know).

I see my friends struggling with the same kind of fate. Maybe this post will motivate them to strive higher.

The lesson 🔗︎

From examples in life, I can see that there is always an external factor involved that pushes us out of our comfort zone. I know that this factor can be artificially forced upon us, e.g. by forcing yourself to do something by changing the environment you are in. As I said, whether it is learning new things, honing acquired skills, or trying something new, always remember that comfort breeds stagnation.